

Softonic review

Localise Timezones

Localise Timezones is a free Chrome add-on developed by It falls under the category of Browsers and specifically belongs to the Add-ons & Tools subcategory.

This add-on provides users with the ability to convert times to their local time zone while browsing the web. With Localise Timezones, users have full control over how times from around the world appear on any website. The add-on automatically converts the time from any web page's text to the user's local time zone.

Users can choose to have the converted time displayed in parentheses after the original text or have a pop-up window appear when selecting text. Regardless of the chosen display method, users can always see the original text and easily understand when events are going to happen.

Localise Timezones is a useful tool for individuals who frequently deal with time differences and want to ensure they have accurate local time information while browsing the web.

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